Companies that grow rapidly in a short time often have the problem that the organization cannot keep up with the rapid growth.

This is how our customer, one of the leading telecommunications companies in Germany, had lost its market leadership.  The actual sales organization was no longer strong because of no adaption of the organization and processes to the rapid growth. This resulted in unclear responsibilities, which also extended the time-to-market.

Against this background, the customer commissioned us to revise the structure and processes of the sales organization. The objective was to create a higher sales force by creating clear responsibilities (also with regard to region vs. headquarter) and an improvement of the time-to-market.

At the beginning of the project an inventory of current organizational structures as well as interfaces and processes between organizational units were carried out. By doing so not only the formal structures and processes were reflected, but also the “lived” organization was examined in particular. In addition, the organization’s performance against customers and sales  partners was analyzed.

On the basis of the analysis results various options of the future sales organization were developed. The options were assessed to the extent to which they were suitable for achieving the sales targets.

After completing the decision-making process for the new sales organization, the individual processes and the sales organization were revised in cooperation with our customer.

POWERING also supported the implementation of reorganization in order to avoid possible implementation problems and counteract resistance. We supported the coordination with the works council and the preparation / revision of job descriptions and job profiles.

This example shows that sales performance and sales efficiency can be significantly increased through a reorganization of sales. The smooth and fast implementation enabled our customer to regain market leadership.