The COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting social distancing measures present a daunting challenge to the society and to organisations in general, and to members of the sales function in particular.

This challenge is both about the adaptation of the sales system and the proper management of the human aspects.

This COVID-19 GUIDE for sales managers is intended to help you define and implement appropriate measures. You can download it free of charge here.

In the next 8 to 10 weeks or more, sales and customer care activities will change massively. On the one hand, due to the pandemic and travel restrictions, opportunities for face-to-face interaction with customers will be very limited. On the other hand, existing customers will require intensive support to keep their business running.

Add to this the inevitable disruptions or even interruptions in supply chains (including associated services) and the high volatility of demand, and it is clear that in the coming weeks or even months, there cannot be a “status quo” in sales and customer management.

Therefore, the dual challenge now is to provide the best possible support to your customers while maintaining the momentum of the sales team.

Based on our own experience in managing crisis situations, we advise you to focus on the following four priorities:

  1. Redefine your short term objectives and maintain you sales team dynamic and motivation.
  2. Take care of your customers proactively and intensively.
  3. Adapt your management and communication rituals to the situation.
  4. As soon as your crisis management system is in place, start thinking about how to adapt and intensify sales activities after the crisis.


You will find detailed information on how to achieve this in our guide which you can download here. Download also the versions in French and German.

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